Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scribe Fire

I am a firefox guy, as most of our readers probably are. I have firefox on my linux box and on both my windows PCs. One thing that I really like about using firefox is the amount of add-ons that are available, its like bling for your browser.  I thought I'd bring this one to your attention. Its called Scribe Fire and I'm using it right now to compose this blog entry. It allows me to blog from what ever website I happen to be on at that time, without having to navigate to It actually open s in a split screen so I can still view web pages while I compose. As for formating its fairly basic. You can change font, size, colour, etc. Plus you can add your own html if there is something specific you want to do. If you blog in firefox, I'd recommend this add-on.

-The Thoth-

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