Monday, January 18, 2010


Have a question about the blog or a question about FOSS in general? Want to hang out with the guys? Want to get you're opinion heard? Want me to stop asking questions?

We now have a forum! Check out

Thats all for now!

-The Thoth-

p.s. inerg wants me to tell you that "we are keeping our Gmod server and now have a motd for it"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello Everyone!

It's been far too long.

And so, I bring tidings of change! The Guys are putting together a new video series that most readers can relate to - why we define ourselves as Geeks (or Nerds, if you prefer).

First off, I'll post mine. Hopefully it'll start to get rolling soon.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Still alive!

Greetings readers, and happy new year!
Some of our more observant readers may have noticed that there hasn't been a post for a while. We apologize, but commitments (and laziness) have stopped us from posting over the holidays. I know that Inerg is eager to post something but doesn't want to appear to be a n00b by posting 4 times in a row. Also look for a new feature coming up soon.

Lazily yours,

-The Thoth-