Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Update


Sorry about the long gap between posts. It seems like things pile up all at once.

So whats new with the GuysOnFOSS? We've all been involved at some level with a website design project, which has taken up much of our time. In addition, it is that time of year when things really get busy in the tangible world with exams and the holidays. I will make a greater attempt to update my Twitter feed more often when I come across things that I find interesting, and perhaps just to let you know what we're working on. If you haven't followed me on twitter yet, you can do so by following this link:

As for the podcasts, those seem to have been put on hold as well. We'd like to start them up again, but don't hold your breath, at least until the new year. We still have one episode that was recorded several weeks ago, but the news is outdated by now. The reason I bring it up is that it contains an excellent debate between Mekapaedia and Crazy2be. Perhaps I will release that as a bonus.

Stay tuned!

-The Thoth-

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